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Pl-7002: Create and Manage Automated Processes by Using Power Automate

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Enroll in the PL-7002 course to master creating and managing automated processes with Power Automate. You'll learn to establish triggers, configure actions, and set up efficient approvals, all aimed at streamlining business operations. This course is perfect for professionals looking to optimize workflows using cloud flows and conditional logic. With hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios, you'll gain practical experience that prepares you for the certification exam. Basic knowledge of Power Automate and automated processes is required. If you want to unpack the full potential of Power Automate, this course is your gateway.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn to build and manage automated processes using Power Automate.
  • Focus on creating triggers and configuring actions for cloud flows.
  • Gain expertise in setting up and managing approval workflows.
  • Understand the implementation of conditional logic within automated processes.
  • Test and optimize cloud flows for efficient business operations.

Course Overview

In this course, you'll learn to create and manage automated processes with Power Automate. The focus will be on establishing triggers, configuring actions, and setting up approvals. By the end of the course, you'll have the skills to streamline business processes and share cloud flows efficiently.

Hands-on exercises will be a key part of the learning experience. They will help you tailor automation solutions to meet your organization's needs and enhance productivity.


Prepare yourself to immerse into PL-7002, where you'll excel at creating and managing automated processes with Power Automate. This course is tailored to guide you through the essentials and intricacies of Power Automate, empowering you to create and manage automated processes seamlessly.

You'll dive deep into cloud flows, learning how to establish effective triggers and configure actions that meet your specific needs.

In PL-7002, you'll discover how to harness the power of automated processes to streamline your business operations. You'll explore the art of configuring cloud flows, enabling you to set up and manage approvals with ease.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional, this course offers hands-on experience that will enhance your productivity through well-designed automation.

Emphasizing practical application, PL-7002 ensures you gain the skills necessary to create customized flows and implement conditional logic, making your workflows smarter and more efficient.

Course Objectives

You'll gain valuable hands-on experience in building automated processes with Power Automate through this course. This course is designed to equip you with the skills needed to create, manage, and optimize cloud flows. You'll learn to efficiently create triggers and configure actions to automate tasks and processes, saving time and reducing manual effort.

An essential part of the course is understanding how to implement conditional logic. This allows you to design cloud flows that can handle different scenarios and make decisions based on specific conditions. You'll also learn to test these cloud flows to guarantee they function as expected, which is critical for maintaining robust automated processes.

Additionally, you'll develop the ability to set up and configure approvals using Power Automate. Automating approval workflows can greatly streamline business processes, ensuring that tasks are completed faster and with greater consistency.

Another key aspect of the course is sharing cloud flows. This feature lets you collaborate with colleagues, making your automated processes more efficient and integrated across your organization.

Who Should Attend

If you're a professional aiming to streamline business processes or boost productivity through automation, this course is for you.

Employees working with Power Apps and SharePoint will learn to optimize workflows efficiently.

Plus, it's perfect for those who want to develop complex approval processes and integrate with various data sources.

Target Audience

Whether you're looking to streamline business processes or boost productivity, the PL-7002 course is perfect for professionals seeking to master automation with Power Automate. You'll learn to manage automated processes, build flows to manage tasks, and create and manage automated workflows. This course is tailored for those implementing conditional logic and integrating with data sources like Dataverse and SQL.

In particular, individuals working with Power Apps and SharePoint will find the course invaluable. You'll gain skills to optimize workflows and develop complex approval processes, making your daily tasks more efficient and less time-consuming. If your goal is to enhance productivity through automated processes, attending PL-7002 is a smart choice.

Here's a breakdown of who should attend:

Target AudienceBenefits of Attending
Power Apps UsersLearn to create automated workflows
SharePoint EmployeesManage automated processes seamlessly
Workflow OptimizersDevelop complex approval processes
Data IntegratorsIntegrate with Dataverse, SQL
Business AnalystsStreamline business processes

Career Benefits

Attending the PL-7002 course can greatly enhance your career by equipping you with essential automation skills and the ability to streamline business processes. If you're looking to improve productivity and automate repetitive tasks, this course is perfect for you.

You'll learn how to create automated processes by using Power Automate, which can greatly reduce your workload and save time.

The course is ideal for professionals working with Power Apps and SharePoint. You'll discover how to build approval flows and optimize workflows, making your operations more efficient. Additionally, you'll gain expertise in configuring approvals by using Power Automate, which is essential for developing complex approval processes tailored to your organization's needs.

For those interested in data integration, this course offers valuable insights into integration across multiple data sources like Dataverse and SQL. You'll also learn to create custom tables, which can help you streamline your business and foster better collaboration across various platforms.


Before you start with Power Automate, you'll need a basic understanding of the Power Platform and some familiarity with Power Automate itself.

Make sure you review any preparatory materials provided to make certain you're ready.

This foundational knowledge will help you get the most out of the course and build effective automated processes.

Required Knowledge

You should have a fundamental understanding of Power Platform and basic knowledge of Power Automate to succeed in the Create and Manage Automated Processes training. This training is designed for individuals enthusiastic to enhance their automation skills. Before you start exploring creating automated processes, you should be comfortable with the core components of Power Automate, such as actions, flows, and triggers.

Power Automate is an online workflow service that lets you automate repetitive tasks. Knowing how to set up approval flows and manage user information efficiently will be essential. This course will guide you through building these flows, but having a foundational knowledge will make the learning process smoother.

Here's a breakdown of the required knowledge:

Power PlatformBasic understanding of the overall ecosystem
Power AutomateFamiliarity with its interface and core features
Automated ProcessesBasic concepts of automation
Actions and FlowsUnderstanding how to create and manage them
Triggers and ApprovalSetting up triggers and creating approval workflows

Preparatory Materials

To get the most out of this training, gather the necessary preparatory materials that will strengthen your foundational knowledge of Power Platform and Power Automate. Before diving into the PL-7002 course, make sure you have a fundamental understanding of these technologies. This course is ideal for individuals keen to explore automation and streamline business processes effectively.

Start by familiarizing yourself with the core concepts of Power Automate. Basic knowledge will be essential as you'll be creating triggers and configuring actions throughout the course. Knowing how to build and manage approval flows will also play a significant role in your learning journey.

The Guided project included in the course will provide hands-on experience in creating and managing automated processes with Power Automate. It's designed to help you apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios, reinforcing your skills in automation.

Skills Measured in Exam

In the exam, you'll be tested on your ability to create triggers and configure actions for cloud flows. You need to understand how to implement conditional logic, test cloud flows, and manage approvals.

Additionally, the exam evaluates your skills in managing user information and sharing cloud flows effectively.

Exam Objectives

Mastering the creation and management of automated cloud flows is essential for excelling in the Power Automate exam. You need to be adept at Automated Processes by using Power Automate, which involves creating triggers, configuring actions, setting up approvals, testing cloud flows, and sharing cloud flows. Each of these skills is vital as the exam will test your ability to implement them in various scenarios.

Creating triggers and configuring actions are foundational elements. You'll need to understand how to initiate flows and define the subsequent steps accurately. The exam will also evaluate your proficiency in setting up and configuring approvals, which are critical for workflows requiring managerial consent.

Testing cloud flows is another key aspect. You must be capable of identifying and resolving errors to make sure that your automated processes run smoothly. Additionally, knowing how to share cloud flows efficiently is essential, as it impacts collaboration and workflow management in real-world environments.

Lastly, the ability to implement conditional logic and manage user information within flows will be tested. Your skill in building approval flows for real-world scenarios will demonstrate your practical knowledge and expertise in managing automated processes using Power Automate.

Assessment Format

The PL-7002 exam format includes an interactive lab evaluation that tests your practical skills in creating and managing automated processes with Power Automate. You'll be tasked with creating triggers for cloud-based workflows, configuring actions for notifications, implementing conditional logic, and setting up approval flows with Power Automate. This hands-on assessment confirms you can apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios.

During the exam, your mouse movements and text inputs are recorded to assess your practical application of Power Automate features. You'll encounter deep integration across multiple services, requiring you to build flows across multiple platforms. For instance, you might be asked to solve a scenario for a fictional company, testing a cloud flow that integrates email notifications, document management systems, and approval workflows.

Accommodations are available in multiple languages, including English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), and Spanish, making the exam accessible to a broader audience. Successfully completing this assessment demonstrates your subject matter expertise in automating business processes with Power Automate, showcasing your capability to streamline operations efficiently. This rigorous evaluation ensures you're well-prepared to tackle complex automation challenges in a professional setting.


Got questions about the PL-7002 course? Our FAQs section covers common queries about course duration, learning methods, cost, and more.

Check it out to understand the course content, benefits, and prerequisites.

Common Questions

Have questions about the PL-7002 course? You're not alone! Many prospective learners seek clarity on various aspects of the course. Here's a quick rundown of the most common questions to help you out.

Curious about how Power Automate functions? This course dives deep into how it automates workflows by creating cloud-based flows and processes. You'll learn how to meet specific specifications and streamline your tasks effectively.

Here's what you need to know:

  • Course Duration: How long will it take to complete the course?
  • Cost: What's the investment required for this training?
  • Prerequisites: Do you need prior experience or knowledge before enrolling?
  • Course Content: What topics and skills will you cover during the training?
  • Eligibility: Who's this course designed for, and what're the benefits?

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Create an Automated Flow in Power Automate?

To create an automated flow, start with triggers setup. Use dynamic content and custom connectors for integration. Utilize flow templates, conditional actions, and error handling to refine it. Add approval workflows for necessary authorizations.

What Are the Three Types of Flows You Can Create With Power Automate?

You can create three types of flows with Power Automate: Cloud flows, Desktop flows, and Business process flows. Cloud flows include Automated flows, Instant flows, and Scheduled flows, each with specific flow triggers and flow actions.

What Is the Difference Between Power Automate and Power Automate Rpa?

You'll find Power Automate focuses on cloud integration with trigger events and flow templates, while Power Automate RPA excels in desktop automation. RPA offers advanced AI capabilities, error handling, and user permissions, making it ideal for complex tasks.

What Are the Limitations of a Power Automate?

You'll encounter connection limits, action limits, and API restrictions. Run frequency and premium features depend on your plan. Watch for potential data loss and user permissions issues, especially with complex workflows or unsupported connectors.

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