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SC-900T00: Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals

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The SC-900T00 course covers the fundamentals of Microsoft security, compliance and identity, giving you a solid foundation in these essential areas. Ideal for IT professionals familiar with Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365, it prepares you for the SC-900 exam . You'll learn how to secure cloud environments, manage identities, and meet compliance requirements. The course aligns with the objectives of the SC-900 exam and ensures that you are proficient in key concepts such as Zero Trust , encryption, and data residency. If you're aiming to advance your career and master Microsoft's security solutions , you'll find everything you need right here.

  • Comprehensive coverage : The course covers the basics of security, compliance, and identity within Microsoft's cloud ecosystem, preparing you for the SC-900 exam.
  • SC-900 Exam Preparation : This aligns with the objectives of the SC-900 exam, ensuring you understand authentication, encryption, data residency, and the Zero Trust model.
  • Who it's for : Ideal for IT professionals who are familiar with Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365, aiming to improve their career prospects.
  • Measured Skills : Focuses on mastery of Microsoft security principles, compliance requirements, and identity management for cloud solutions.
  • Assessment methods : The exam includes multiple choice and interactive questions, verifying theoretical knowledge and the practical application of key concepts.


Course Overview This course overview will provide a clear introduction to the fundamental concepts of security, compliance , and identity within Microsoft's cloud-based solutions.

We will outline the objectives of the course, ensuring you are prepared for the SC-900 exam by covering all essential topics.

Having a basic understanding of networking and cloud computing will help you understand the material effectively.


This course provides the essential knowledge to understand and explore security, compliance, and identity solutions within the Microsoft cloud ecosystem . As you delve into the fundamentals of these critical areas, you will gain crucial information for preparing for the SC-900 exam . The course is designed to provide a solid foundation in cloud-based security, compliance, and identity concepts .

You'll learn how Microsoft solutions, including Azure and Microsoft 365, integrate to create a secure, compliant, and identity-aware environment. You will need to have a basic understanding of networking and cloud computing concepts to get the most out of this course. It is suitable for people with a general IT background who are familiar with Microsoft's cloud offerings.

By the end of the course, you will have a detailed understanding of how security, compliance, and identity solutions are implemented and managed within the Microsoft ecosystem. This knowledge is not just theoretical; It is practical and directly applicable to real-world scenarios .

Whether you're aiming to pass the SC-900 exam or simply improve your understanding of Microsoft's cloud-based security and compliance solutions, this course is an invaluable resource.


You will find course objectives designed to give you a clear roadmap for mastering security, compliance and identity within Microsoft cloud solutions. This course provides the essential background knowledge to tackle the objective domain of the SC-900 exam. It is aligned with the fundamental concepts of Microsoft Azure, ensuring a good understanding of the critical areas of security, compliance and identity.

The course is meticulously structured to cover the essential concepts of SCI and is ideal for people who want to deepen their understanding of these areas through Microsoft services. While prior knowledge of networking and cloud computing is recommended, the course is designed to build on this foundation, ensuring an in-depth learning experience.

Here's a breakdown of the key goals you'll achieve:

td style="text-align: center">Leverage your existing networking knowledge to secure cloud environments.ObjectiveDescriptionUnderstand SecurityLearn the fundamentals of security in Microsoft Azure.Grasp ComplianceGet detailed information about compliance requirements and how Microsoft meets them.Master IdentityUnderstand identity management and its role in securing cloud solutions.Preparing for the SC-900 examAlign your learning with the objective domain of the SC-900 certification exam.Networking Knowledge<


If your goal is to improve your understanding of security, compliance and identity within Microsoft services, this course is perfect for you.

It is designed for IT professionals who are familiar with Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 and provides detailed information on SCI solutions to enhance your career.

Whether you're looking to pass the SC-900 exam or expand your skills, this training offers valuable benefits.


If you are interested in strengthening your knowledge of Azure and Microsoft 365 security, compliance, and identity, you will find this course valuable. The SC-900T00 course is specifically designed for individuals aiming to pass the SC-900 exam and earn the Microsoft Certified: Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals credential. This certification not only provides foundational knowledge but also offers a comprehensive overview of security, compliance, and identity concepts in Microsoft cloud-based services.

Whether you are looking to improve your CV or resume or simply gain a deeper understanding, this course is for you. The best part? No prior knowledge is required, making it accessible to both beginners and seasoned professionals. Here's a quick breakdown of who should attend:

of workTarget AudienceReasons to participateAdvantagesBeginnersNo prior knowledge requiredstyle="text-align: center">Basic knowledgeIT professionalsImprove CV or resumeMicrosoft Certified: Security, Compliance and Identity Fundamentals credentialJob SeekersGet a complete overview of Microsoft cloud-based servicesIncreased opportunitiesStudentsPass the SC-900 examAcademic and professional growth



Your Career Earning the Microsoft Certified: Security, Compliance , and Identity Fundamentals credential can greatly improve your career prospects by demonstrating expertise in important areas of Microsoft services. This certification is especially useful for those who have a general IT background and want to deepen their understanding of security, compliance, and identity solutions within Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 environments.

Aligning with the objectives of the SC-900 exam, this credential focuses on cloud-based solutions, ensuring you stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices. Microsoft certifications like this are recognized globally, making your resume stand out to potential employers.

You will gain in-depth knowledge of Microsoft's security measures, compliance protocols, and identity management solutions that are essential in today's digital landscape.

Whether you are an IT professional aiming to specialize in security or someone looking to broaden your IT knowledge, this certification provides vital skills that are in high demand. The SC-900 credential not only validates your experience, but also opens doors to advanced roles in IT security and compliance.

In breve, ottenere questa certificazione può essere un significativo passo avanti nella tua carriera, fornendoti le conoscenze e il riconoscimento necessari per eccellere.


Prima di iniziare il corso, è necessario avere una conoscenza generale del networking, del cloud computing e dei concetti IT di base.

Sarà inoltre essenziale la familiarità con Microsoft Azure e Microsoft 365.

Sebbene l'esperienza precedente con i fondamenti della sicurezza, della conformità e dell'identità non sia obbligatoria, ti aiuterà sicuramente a comprendere il materiale in modo più efficace.


avere successo in Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals, è necessario avere una conoscenza generale dei concetti di rete e cloud computing. La familiarità con Microsoft Azure e Microsoft 365 è fondamentale in quanto queste piattaforme costituiscono la spina dorsale di molte soluzioni di sicurezza, conformità e identità. Dovrai comprendere come i principi di rete si applicano all'interno degli ambienti di cloud computing per ottenere davvero il massimo dal corso.

L'esperienza di lavoro in un ambiente IT sarà incredibilmente vantaggiosa. È necessario acquisire familiarità con i concetti di sicurezza di base, comprendendo come proteggere i dati e le risorse. Allo stesso modo, è essenziale una conoscenza di base della conformità, ovvero sapere come soddisfare gli standard normativi e organizzativi. In questo modo è possibile navigare in modo efficace tra i vari requisiti di conformità.

Le soluzioni di identità sono un'altra area chiave. È necessario sapere come funziona la gestione delle identità, inclusi l'autenticazione degli utenti e i controlli di accesso. Questa conoscenza di base garantisce la possibilità di implementare e gestire soluzioni di gestione delle identità all'interno di ambienti Microsoft Azure e Microsoft 365.

In definitiva, questi prerequisiti mirano a radicare l'utente nei concetti IT essenziali rilevanti per la sicurezza e la conformità nelle soluzioni Microsoft basate sul cloud. Si assicurano che tu sia ben preparato per affrontare il materiale più avanzato trattato nel corso.


preparazione per il corso Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals richiede una solida conoscenza della rete, dei concetti di cloud computing e familiarità con Microsoft Azure e Microsoft 365. È fondamentale avere una comprensione generale di come funzionano queste piattaforme in quanto costituiscono la spina dorsale del contenuto del corso.

You need to understand the basics of security, compliance, and identity management to effectively understand the material covered.

Before delving into the course, make sure you are familiar with the fundamental concepts of IT. Knowledge of the basic principles of networks and how cloud computing works will be invaluable. Familiarity with Microsoft Azure will help you understand the cloud services and solutions discussed, while a working knowledge of Microsoft 365 will help you understand the compliance and identity management components.

Having previous experience in an IT environment can greatly improve your understanding of the topics. This background will help you better relate to real-world security, compliance, and identity management applications within the Microsoft ecosystem.

The preparatory materials are designed to strengthen your basic computer skills, ensuring you are well equipped to take on the course and excel in the SC-900T00 certification.



As you prepare for the SC-900 exam, you must understand key objectives , including security, compliance, and identity concepts within Microsoft solutions.

The exam also tests your knowledge of shared responsibility, zero trust models , and various authentication and authorization principles.

Familiarize yourself with the assessment format to ensure you are ready for both theoretical questions and practical scenarios.

The exam

SC-900 assesses your understanding of essential security, compliance, and identity concepts within Microsoft solutions. You will need to understand the various objectives of the exam, including authentication and authorization, encryption, data residency, and the Zero Trust model. Knowing these concepts is important, as identity services play a significant role in protecting enterprise assets.

The SC-900 exam tests your knowledge in the following areas:

  • Authentication and authorization: You need to understand how users are authenticated and authorized to access resources.
  • Encryption: It is essential to know how data is encrypted both at rest and in transit.
  • Data residency: Awareness of where data is stored and processed is required, following compliance requirements.
  • Zero Trust Model: You need to understand the principles of the Zero Trust security model and its application.

Here is a detailed analysis of some key areas and their relevance:

secure regulatory and legal data access style="text-align: center">Security framework requiring verificationConceptDescriptionRelevanceAuthentication and authorizationHow users gain access to resourcesIt guarantees managementEncryptionProtecting data at rest and in transitProtects integrity and privacyData ResidencyData storage location and complianceMeets the requirementsZero Trust Model<Improves the overall security level

Understanding these areas will help you pass the SC-900 exam and strengthen your proficiency in Microsoft security solutions.


On the SC-900 exam you will face a variety of question types that test your basic knowledge of Microsoft security , compliance , and identity solutions. The exam format includes interactive, multiple - choice components designed to assess understanding and practical application of key concepts.

Understanding security fundamentals and compliance principles is essential. You must demonstrate knowledge of shared responsibility models , which outline the security tasks managed by cloud providers and those managed by customers. Questions will also explore encryption , ensuring data protection and identity management, which is critical for secure access and authentication.

The SC-900 exam evaluates your understanding of the Zero Trust model , which emphasizes verifying every access attempt as if it were coming from an open network. Additionally, you will encounter scenarios related to residency and data sovereignty , evaluating how well you understand the geographic and jurisdictional aspects of data storage and access.

Interactive components are an integral part of the exam, testing your ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. This practical aspect of the application ensures not only familiarity with the concepts, but also the ability to implement them effectively.

To be successful, focus on mastering the fundamentals of Microsoft security, compliance, and identity, as these areas are critical to the SC-900 exam.


Now, let's address some common questions about the SC-900T00 course.

You'll find answers on key topics like security, compliance and identity fundamentals.

This FAQ also offers insights into the course's target audience, prerequisites, and benefits of training with New Horizons.


studenti hanno domande sui fondamenti di sicurezza, conformità e identità Microsoft e queste domande frequenti affrontano quelle più comuni per migliorare la comprensione degli argomenti della certificazione SC-900.

Il contenuto del corso illustra gli aspetti essenziali di Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals e queste domande frequenti aiutano a chiarire le domande più comuni che potresti avere.

Una domanda frequente è: "Quali argomenti chiave sono trattati nel corso SC-900?" Il corso fornisce un'ampia panoramica delle soluzioni Microsoft per la sicurezza, la conformità e l'identità, concentrandosi sui concetti e sui principi di base. Verranno illustrati i concetti relativi all'identità, le soluzioni di conformità Microsoft, i metodi di sicurezza e le funzionalità di Microsoft 365 e Azure.

Un'altra domanda comune è: "Chi dovrebbe sostenere l'esame SC-900?" Questa certificazione è ideale per gli utenti aziendali, i professionisti IT e gli studenti che desiderano comprendere le soluzioni Microsoft per la sicurezza, la conformità e l'identità. È particolarmente utile se stai iniziando il tuo viaggio nell'IT o stai cercando di passare a un ruolo incentrato sulla sicurezza.

Infine, gli studenti spesso chiedono: "Come posso prepararmi per l'esame SC-900?" Per prepararti in modo efficace, dovresti studiare i percorsi di apprendimento ufficiali di Microsoft, guardare video pertinenti e sostenere esami pratici. Queste risorse ti aiuteranno a rafforzare la tua comprensione del materiale del corso e ad aumentare la tua sicurezza.

Domande frequenti

L'esame SC-900 è difficile?

Non troverai l'esame SC-900 troppo difficile se utilizzi risorse di studio e test pratici. Con un'adeguata preparazione all'esame, la comprensione del formato dell'esame, dei tipi di domande e della durata dell'esame, ti sentirai sicuro nei centri di test.

Quanto costa l'esame SC900?

Il costo dell'esame è di $ 99 USD, ma può variare in base all'area geografica. È possibile utilizzare vari metodi di pagamento. Cerca offerte di sconto, prezzi per studenti o buoni gratuiti. Fai attenzione ai costi aggiuntivi per la ripetizione o i rimborsi degli esami.

Qual è il punteggio di superamento dell'esame SC-900?

Per superare l'esame SC-900, è necessario un punteggio di 700 su 1000. Concentrati sulla comprensione della struttura dell'esame, utilizza le risorse di studio, fai test pratici, gestisci l'allocazione del tempo e familiarizza con i diversi tipi di domande.

Che cos'è la certificazione Microsoft SC-900?

La certificazione Microsoft SC-900 convalida la tua conoscenza dei fondamenti della sicurezza. Concentrati sui concetti fondamentali, sui ruoli lavorativi e sui vantaggi della certificazione. Usa i materiali di studio, i test pratici e i suggerimenti per la preparazione per comprendere il formato dell'esame e avere successo.

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