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Creating, Styling, and Validating Web Forms

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Creating, Styling, and Validating Web Forms

This course will guide students through creating forms with HTML, styling forms with CSS, and validating forms with JavaScript and regular expressions. The course also introduces students to server-side form validation using Node.js and working with JSON for data exchange. It also introduces students to Ajax.


  1. Practical Skills: Students will learn to create functional and visually appealing web forms, providing them with practical skills to enhance their web development projects.
  2. Validation Techniques: The course equips students with the knowledge to implement client-side and server-side form validation, ensuring data integrity and security.
  3. Flexibility and Customization: By understanding various form elements and attributes, students will be able to create highly customizable forms tailored to specific user requirements.
  4. Improved User Experience: The skills gained in this course will enable students to design user-friendly forms, enhancing the overall user experience on their web applications.


  1. HTML Forms
  2. How HTML Forms Work
  3. The <form> Tag
  4. Get vs. Post
  5. Form Elements
  6. id and name Attributes
  7. Text Fields
  8. Labels
  9. Text-like Input Types
  10. placeholder Attribute
  11. pattern Attribute
  12. Password Fields
  13. Date and Time Fields
  14. Number Fields
  15. Color Fields
  16. Tel, URL, and Email Fields
  17. Search Fields
  18. Hidden Fields
  19. Buttons
  20. Submit Button
  21. Reset Button
  22. Button Buttons
  23. Checkboxes
  24. Radio Buttons
  25. Fieldsets
  26. Select Menus
  27. Option Groups
  28. Textareas
  29. JavaScript Form Validation
  30. Server-side Form Validation
  31. HTML Form Validation
  32. Accessing Form Data
  33. Form Validation with JavaScript
  34. Checking Validity on Input and Submit Events
  35. Adding Error Messages
  36. The dataset Property
  37. Validating Textareas
  38. Validating Checkboxes
  39. Validating Radio Buttons
  40. Which Radio Button was Selected?
  41. Validating Select Menus
  42. Giving the User a Chance
  43. Styling Forms with CSS
  44. General Form Layout
  45. Form-field Pseudo-Classes
  46. Applying Pseudo-Classes to Forms
  47. Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, and Fieldsets
  48. Regular Expressions
  49. Getting Started
  50. JavaScript's Regular Expression test() Method
  51. Regular Expression Syntax
  52. Start and End ( ^ $ )
  53. Number of Occurrences ( ? + * {} )
  54. Common Characters ( . \d \D \w \W \s \S )
  55. Grouping ( [] )
  56. Negation ( ^ )
  57. Subpatterns ( () )
  58. Alternatives ( | )
  59. Escape Character ( \ )
  60. Case-Insensitive Matches
  61. Backreferences
  62. Form Validation with Regular Expressions
  63. Cleaning Up Form Entries
  64. A Slightly More Complex Example
  65. Node.js and Server-side Form Validation
  66. Welcome to the Server-side
  67. What is a web server?
  68. Dynamic Websites
  69. Google Chrome DevTools: Network Tab
  70. Status Codes
  71. Welcome to Node.js
  72. Installing Node.js
  73. package.json
  74. Our First App
  75. What does npm start do?
  76. Our First Web App
  77. Stopping the Server
  78. Fat-arrow Functions
  79. Sending a Response with HTML
  80. The favicon.ico Icon
  81. Simple Routing and 404 Pages
  82. Delivering favicon.ico
  83. Express - Node.js Web Application Framework
  84. app.js
  85. Favicon Middleware
  86. Static Files
  87. Processing a Simple Form
  88. Form Validation
  89. Validators
  90. Validation Chaining
  91. not()
  92. withMessage(message)
  93. Custom Validators
  94. Ajax
  95. XMLHttpRequest
  96. Asynchronous
  97. JSON
  98. Review of Object Literals
  99. Arrays
  100. Objects
  101. Arrays in Objects
  102. Objects in Arrays
  103. Back to JSON
  104. JSON Syntax
  105. The built-in JavaScript JSON Object

Required Prerequisites

  • Basic HTML
  • Basic CSS
  • Basic JavaScript

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