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Rapid Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

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Rapid Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

In this course, students get a rapid hands-on introduction to client-side programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The course is meant for students who want to need to get a jump start on all three technologies. Topics covered in the course include an overview of web development, HTML elements and attributes, CSS styling and layout, and JavaScript programming concepts such as variables, arrays, functions, and event handlers.

Students should be prepared to cover a lot of material in a short time and to be ready to spend some time afterward reviewing the content on their own to solidify and build upon the skills taught in class.


  1. Time-efficient learning: This rapid introduction course allows students to quickly acquire essential web development skills, making it perfect for those with limited time or who want to jump-start their learning.
  2. Comprehensive coverage: The course covers all three core technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) required for client-side web development, providing a well-rounded understanding of the field.
  3. Practical skills: Students will gain hands-on experience through various exercises, helping them apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios and develop practical web development skills.
  4. Dynamic websites: By learning JavaScript, students will be able to create interactive and dynamic websites, improving user experience and engagement.


  1. A Quick Overview of Web Development
  2. Client-side Programming
  3. HTML
  4. Cascading Style Sheets
  5. JavaScript 1
  6. Ajax
  7. JavaScript Frameworks
  8. Server-side Programming
  9. Java EE
  10. ASP.NET
  11. Python
  12. PHP
  13. ColdFusion
  14. Node.js
  15. Introduction to HTML
  16. Getting Started
  17. A Simple HTML Document
  18. The HTML Skeleton
  19. The <head> Element
  20. The <body> Element
  21. Whitespace
  22. HTML Elements
  23. Attributes
  24. Empty vs. Container Tags
  25. Blocks and Inline Elements
  27. Special Characters
  28. History of HTML
  29. lang Attribute
  30. Paragraphs, Headings, and Text
  31. Paragraphs
  32. Breaks and Horizontal Rules
  33. Creating an HTML Page
  34. Quoted Text
  35. Preformatted Text
  36. Text-Level Semantic Elements
  37. HTML Links
  38. Text Links
  39. Absolute vs. Relative Paths
  40. Absolute Paths
  41. Relative Paths
  42. Default Pages
  43. Targeting New Windows
  44. Email Links
  45. Adding Links
  46. Targeting a Specific Location on the Page
  47. The title Attribute
  48. HTML Images
  49. Inserting Images
  50. Making Images Accessible
  51. Alternative Text
  52. Long Descriptions
  53. Height and Width Attributes
  54. Image Links
  55. Adding Images to the Page
  56. HTML Lists
  57. Unordered Lists
  58. Nesting Unordered Lists
  59. Ordered Lists
  60. Nesting Ordered Lists
  61. The type Attribute
  62. The start Attribute
  63. Definition Lists
  64. Creating Lists
  65. Crash Course in CSS
  66. Benefits of Cascading Style Sheets
  67. CSS Rules
  68. CSS Comments
  69. Selectors
  70. Type Selectors
  71. Class Selectors
  72. ID Selectors
  73. Attribute Selectors
  74. The Universal Selector
  75. Grouping
  76. Combinators
  77. Descendant Combinators
  78. Child Combinators
  79. General Sibling Combinators
  80. Adjacent Sibling Combinators
  81. Precedence of Selectors
  82. How Browsers Style Pages
  83. CSS Resets
  84. CSS Normalizers
  85. External Stylesheets, Embedded Stylesheets, and Inline Styles
  86. External Stylesheets
  87. Embedded Stylesheets
  88. Inline Styles
  89. Exercise: Creating an External Stylesheet
  90. Exercise: Creating an Embedded Stylesheet
  91. Exercise: Adding Inline Styles
  92. <div> and <spa>
  93. Exercise: Divs and Spans
  94. Media Types
  95. Units of Measurement
  96. Absolute vs. Relative Units
  97. Pixels
  98. Ems and Rems
  99. Percentages
  100. Other Units
  101. Inheritance
  102. The inherit Value
  103. CSS Fonts
  104. font-family
  105. Specifying by Font Name
  106. Specifying Font by Category
  107. @font-face
  108. Getting Fonts
  109. font-size
  110. Relative font-size Terms
  111. Best Practices
  112. font-style
  113. font-variant
  114. font-weight
  115. line-height
  116. font
  117. Exercise: Styling Fonts
  118. Color and Opacity
  119. About Color and Opacity
  120. Color and Opacity Values
  121. Color Keywords
  122. RGB Hexadecimal Notation
  123. RGB Functional Notation
  124. HSL Functional Notation
  125. color
  126. opacity
  127. Exercise: Adding Color and Opacity to Text
  128. CSS Text
  129. letter-spacing
  130. text-align
  131. text-decoration
  132. text-indent
  133. text-shadow
  134. text-transform
  135. white-space
  136. word-break
  137. word-spacing
  138. Exercise: Text Properties
  139. JavaScript Basics
  140. The Name "JavaScript"
  141. What is ECMAScript?
  142. The HTML DOM
  143. JavaScript Syntax
  144. Accessing Elements
  145. Dot Notation
  146. Square Bracket Notation
  147. Where Is JavaScript Code Written?
  148. JavaScript Objects, Methods and Properties
  149. Variables, Arrays, and Operators
  150. JavaScript Variables
  151. A Loosely-Typed Language
  152. Google Chrome DevTools
  153. Variable Naming
  154. Storing User-Entered Data
  155. Constants
  156. Arrays
  157. Associative Arrays
  158. Array Properties and Methods
  159. Playing with Array Methods
  160. JavaScript Operators
  161. The Modulus Operator
  162. The Default Operator
  163. JavaScript Functions
  164. Global Objects and Functions
  165. parseFloat(object)
  166. parseInt(object)
  167. isNaN(object)
  168. User-defined Functions
  169. Function Syntax
  170. Passing Values to Functions
  171. Returning Values from Functions
  172. Built-In JavaScript Objects
  173. String
  174. Math
  175. Date
  176. Helper Functions
  177. Conditionals and Loops
  178. Conditionals
  179. if - else if - else Conditions
  180. Short-circuiting
  181. Switch / Case
  182. Ternary Operator
  183. Truthy and Falsy
  184. Loops
  185. while Loop Syntax
  186. do while Loop Syntax
  187. for Loop Syntax
  188. for of Loop Syntax
  189. for in Loop Syntax
  190. break and continue
  191. Array: forEach()
  192. Event Handlers and Listeners
  193. On-Event Handlers
  194. The getElementById() Method
  195. The addEventListener() Method
  196. Capturing Key Events
  197. Benefits of Event Listeners
  198. Timers

Required Prerequisites

  • Working with computers regularly

Useful Prerequisites

  • Programming Experience
  • A basic understanding of how the web works

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