Technical Introduction to Microservices Training
This Technical Introduction to Microservices training course will help you understand the value proposition and technical aspects of microservices, a new and rather fuzzy concept used to describe rapidly provisionable, independently deployable services with narrow and distinct functionality.
- Gain a fundamental understanding of microservices and practical experience in implementing microservices using different technology stacks.
- Breaking Up Monoliths — Pros and Cons
- Traditional Monolithic Applications and Their Place
- Disadvantages of Monoliths
- Developer's Woes
- Architecture Modernization
- Architecture Modernization Challenges
- Microservices Architecture is Not a Silver Bullet!
- What May Help?
- In-Class Discussion
- Microservice Development
- What are Microservices?
- Microservices vs Classic SOA
- Principles of Microservices Architecture Design
- Domain-Driven Design
- Domain-Driven Design - Benefits
- Microservices and Domain-Driven Design
- Designing for failure
- Microservices Architecture — Pros
- Microservices Architecture — Cons
- Docker and Microservices
- Microservice Deployment with Docker — Workflow
- Writing Dockerfile
- Kubernetes
- What is OpenShift
- OpenShift Architecture
- Microservices and Various Applications
- Web Applications
- Web Applications — Reference Architecture
- Web Applications — When to use?
- Single Page Applications
- Single Page Applications — Benefits
- Traditional Enterprise Application Architecture
- Sample Microservices Architecture
- Serverless & Event-driven Microservice — AWS Lambda
- Twelve-factor Applications
- Twelve-factor Applications
- Twelve Factors, Microservices, and App Modernization
- The Twelve Factors
- Categorizing the 12 Factors
- Microservice Codebase
- Microservice Dependencies
- Microservice Config
- Microservice Backing Services
- Microservice Build, Release, Run
- Microservice Processes
- Microservice Port Binding
- Microservice Concurrency
- Microservice Disposability
- Microservice Dev/Prod Parity
- Microservice Logs
- Microservice Admin Processes
- Kubernetes and the Twelve Factors
- Codebase
- Dependencies
- Config
- Backing Services
- Build, Release, Run
- Processes
- Port Binding
- Concurrency
- Disposability
- Dev/Prod Parity
- Logs
- Admin Processes
- REST Services
- Many Flavors of Services
- Understanding REST
- Understanding REST
- Principles of RESTful Services
- REST Example — Create
- REST Example — Retrieve
- REST Example — Update
- REST Example — Delete
- REST Example — Client Generated ID
- SOAP Equivalent Examples
- REST Example — JSON
- Famous RESTful Services
- Additional Resources
- What is gRPC?
- Protocol Buffers
- REST vs. gRPC
- Protobuf vs. JSON
- HTTP/2 vs. HTTP 1.1
- Messages vs. Resources and Verbs
- Streaming vs. Request-Response
- Strong Typing vs. Serialization
- Web Browser Support
- REST vs. gRPC — In a Nutshell
- Microservices with Node.js
- What is Node.js?
- Node's Value Proposition
- Example of a Node.js App: a Simple Web Server
- Node.js Project Types
- Managing Large Applications
- Core Modules
- Why Node.js uses JavaScript?
- The Traditional Concurrency Support Model
- Disadvantages of the Traditional Approach
- Event-Driven, Non-Blocking I/O
- The Success Callback Function
- Using Node Package Manager (NPM)
- NPM Registry (Repository)
- NPM Enterprise
- Package Life-Cycle Management
- Local and Global Package Installation Options
- Listing and Using Module Versions
- The Express Package
- Installing and Using Express
- Defining Routing Rules in Express
- Route Path
- The Response Object
- A Simple Web Service with Express Example
- The MEAN Stack
- Introduction to Spring Boot for Non-Java Developers
- What is Spring Boot?
- Spring Boot Main Features
- Spring Boot vs DropWizard
- Spring Boot on the PaaS
- Understanding Java Annotations
- Spring MVC Annotations
- Example of Spring MVC-based RESTful Web Service
- Spring Booting Your RESTful Web Service
- Spring Boot Skeletal Application Example
- Converting a Spring Boot Application to a WAR File
- Spring REST Services
- Many Flavors of Services
- Understanding REST
- RESTful Services
- REST Resource Examples
- REST Services With Spring MVC
- Spring MVC @RequestMapping with REST
- Working With the Request Body and Response Body
- @RestController Annotation
- Implementing JAX-RS Services and Spring
- JAX-RS Annotations
- Java Clients Using RestTemplate
- RestTemplate Methods
- Spring Security
- Securing Web Applications with Spring Security 3.0
- Spring Security 3.0
- Authentication and Authorization
- Programmatic v Declarative Security
- Getting Spring Security Gradle or Maven
- Spring Security Configuration
- Spring Security Configuration Example
- Authentication Manager
- Using Database User Authentication
- LDAP Authentication
- What is Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)?
- What is a SAML Provider?
- Spring SAML2.0 Web SSO Authentication
- Setting Up an SSO Provider
- Adding SAML Dependencies to a Project
- Dealing with the State
- How Can I Maintain State?
- SAML vs. OAuth2
- OAuth2 Overview
- OAuth — Facebook Sample Flow
- OAuth Versions
- OAuth2 Components
- OAuth2 — End Points
- OAuth2 — Tokens
- OAuth — Grants
- Authenticating Against an OAuth2 API
- OAuth2 using Spring Boot — Dependencies
- OAuth2 using Spring Boot — application.yml
- OAuth2 using Spring Boot — Main Class
- OAuth2 using Spring Boot — SPA Client
- JSON Web Tokens
- JSON Web Token Architecture
- How JWT Works
- JWT Header
- JWT Payload
- JWT Example Payload
- JWT Example Signature
- How JWT Tokens are Used
- Adding JWT to HTTP Header
- How The Server Makes Use of JWT Tokens
- What are Scopes?
- JWT with Spring Boot — Dependencies
- JWT with Spring Boot — Main Class
- AWS Lambda
- What is AWS Lambda?
- Supported Languages
- Getting Your Code Up And Running in Lambda
- Examples of the Base Lambda Function
- Use Cases
- How It Works
- Example: Processing S3 Source Events with Lambda
- The Programming Model
- Configuring Lambda Functions
- Configure Triggers Page
- Lambda Function Blueprints
- How Do I Troubleshoot and Monitor My Lambda Functions?
- Developing Lambda in Java
- Consuming REST Services from a Client
- Accessing REST Services using jQuery - GET Example
- Accessing REST Services using jQuery - POST Example
- Accessing REST Services in React - Component
- Accessing REST Services in React - componentDidMount
- Accessing REST Services in React - render
- Accessing REST Services in React - POST Method
- The Angular HTTP Client
- Using The HTTP Client - Overview
- Importing HttpClientModule
- Simple Example
- Service Using HttpClient
- ES6 Import Statements
- Making a GET Request
- What does an Observable Object do?
- Using the Service in a Component
- The PeopleService Client Component
- Error Handling
- Making a POST Request
- Making a PUT Request
- Making a DELETE Request
- Docker Introduction
- What is Docker
- Where Can I Run Docker?
- Installing Docker Container Engine
- Docker Machine
- Docker and Containerization on Linux
- Linux Kernel Features: cgroups and namespaces
- The Docker-Linux Kernel Interfaces
- Docker Containers vs Traditional Virtualization
- Docker Containers vs Traditional Virtualization
- Docker Integration
- Docker Services
- Docker Application Container Public Repository
- Competing Systems
- Docker Command Line
- Starting, Inspecting, and Stopping Docker Containers
- Docker Volume
- Dockerfile
- Docker Compose
- Using Docker Compose
- Dissecting docker-compose.yml
- Specifying services
- Dependencies between containers
- Injecting Environment Variables
- runC Overview
- runC Features
- Using runC
- Running a Container using runC
- Introduction to Kubernetes
- What is Kubernetes
- What is a Container
- Container — Uses
- Container — Pros
- Container — Cons
- Composition of a Container
- Control Groups
- Namespaces
- Union Filesystems
- Popular Containerization Software
- Microservices
- Microservices and Containers / Clusters
- Microservices and Orchestration
- Microservices and Infrastructure-as-Code
- Kubernetes Container Networking
- Kubernetes Networking Options
- Kubernetes Networking — Balanced Design
- CI/CD with OpenShift, Jenkins, and Blue Ocean
- What is OpenShift
- OpenShift Online
- OpenShift Origin
- OpenShift Architecture
- OpenShift Origin Installation
- OpenShift CLI
- Jenkins Continuous Integration
- Jenkins Features
- Running Jenkins
- Downloading and Installing Jenkins
- Running Jenkins as a Stand-Alone Application
- Running Jenkins on an Application Server
- Installing Jenkins as a Windows Service
- Different types of Jenkins job
- Configuring Source Code Management(SCM)
- Working with Subversion
- Working with Git
- Build Triggers
- Schedule Build Jobs
- Polling the SCM
- Maven Build Steps
- Jenkins / OpenShift Pipeline
- Jenkins / OpenShift Pipeline Output
- Installing Jenkins Plugins
- The Blue Ocean Plugin
- Blue Ocean Plugin Features
- New modern user experience
- Advanced Pipeline visualizations with built-in failure diagnosis
- Branch and Pull Request awareness
- Personalized View
- OpenShift Pipeline Output
- Creating OpenShift Blue Ocean Pipeline
- Appendix A - Appendix A: Leading Practices for Microservice Logging
- Logging Challenges
- Leading Practices
- Correlate Requests with a Unique ID
- Include a Unique ID in the Response
- Send Logs to a Central Location
- Structure Your Log Data
- Add Context to Every Record
- Examples of Content
- Write Logs to Local Storage
- Collecting Logs with Fluentd
- Leading Practices for Microservice Logging Summary
- Metrics Using Prometheus
- Overview
- Prometheus
- Prometheus Architecture
- Service Discovery
- File-based Service Discovery
- Istio and Prometheus
- Exposing Metrics in Services
- Querying in Prometheus
- Grafana
- Business Metrics
- Metrics Using Prometheus Summary
- Tracing Using Jaeger
- OpenTracing
- Jaeger
- Jaeger Architecture Diagram
- Jaeger Client Libraries
- Jaeger Sampling
- Jaeger Agent
- Jaeger Collector
- Query and Ingester Services
- Jaeger UI Example
- Jaeger and Prometheus
- Jaeger and Istio
- Tracing Using Jaeger Summary
- Appendix B - Appendix B: Traffic Routing Patterns
- Edge Proxy Server
- Request Handling
- Filters
- Filter Architecture
- API Gateway for Routing Requests
- API Gateway — Example
- Rate Limiting
- Rate Limiting — Business Cases
- Configuring Rate Limiting in NGINX
- Circuit Breaker
- Design Principles
- Design Principles (continued)
- Cascading Failures
- Bulkhead Pattern
- Circuit Breaker Pattern
- Thread Pooling
- Request Caching
- Request Collapsing
- Fail-Fast
- Fallback
- Circuit Breaker Solutions
- Load Balancing in Microservices
- Server-side load balance
- Client-side Load Balance
- Architecture
- Service Mesh
- Service Mesh Solutions
- Content Delivery Network (CDN)
- How does a CDN Work?
- Benefits of using a CDN
- CDN Solutions
- Lab Exercises
- Monolith vs Microservices Design
- Getting Started With Node.js
- Getting Started with Spring Boot
- Enable Basic Security
- Using AWS Lambda
- Angular Communication with REST Services
- Creating a Docker Account and Obtain an Access Token
- Getting Started with Docker
- Getting Started with Kubernetes
- CI/CD with Jenkins, Docker, and OpenShift
Required Prerequisites
- Foundational knowledge of programming and software design principles.